مشروع الإحياء الحضري للمناطق التراثية بمدينة اعيلية2من اصل6

مشروع الإحياء الحضري للمناطق التراثية بمدينة الإسماعيلية2من اصل6

مشروع الإحياء الحضري للمناطق التراثية بمدينة الإسماعيلية2من اصل6

The rapid development in the field of architecture and permanent need for
the appropriate and the suitable both internally and externally ores, from
which the most suitable porcelain which has been associated architecture
since the dawn of history, it was used as a binding agent for the entire
building huts problem of the reeds and the branches of the trees, and the
human used to live since ancient mud walls which was supported a problem
which forms the geometric color, also known asthe raw brick and the red
brick burnt and in the way the author in civilization, having the
archaeological discoveries which used to be literally shown that the ancient
Egyptians have produced the first models for the production of ceramic
coated-based coatings, glass, also used ceramics in the Babylon Building
showed in the work of slabs of the walls and the brick-patterned prominent
sculpture and the overlying paint glass, as Islamic architectural ceramics
gained which used to increase the Splendor and orandeur of the Islami
architecture. It is used to cover the ceramic ornate tiles and the colorful
all of the architecture both Ways Internally and externally extending it tos
the modern era. Previously, it is used to be implemented by many of the
decorations either the manual drawing on the printing silkscreen
(silkscreen), and the human thought throughout the fect of colors on his
health and strength which where used before coloring the drawings on the
walls of caves in   the home with the nature through colors, both the
psychological effects and the physiological effects on the human body. In
addition to the colors of the exterior of choice which has an important
environmental, the climatic effects and the enters as well as in
