3d Technology Simplifies Concrete Paving Operations 1 From 8

3d Technology Simplifies Concrete Paving Operations 1 From 8

3d Technology Simplifies Concrete Paving Operations 1 From 8

Three-dimensional paving technologies promise easier access to the paver with fewer haul routes to maintain and less congestion.

No more setting and re-setting string Line.

At the same time, you can improve smoothness and tighten yields

on concrete.

Just make sure you have enough work to earn a return on the initial investment.

“More contractors are seeing the benefits of a string-free jobsite,” says Kent Godbersen, vice president of worldwide sales and marketing, GOMACO.

“Three-dimensional guidance is quickly moving beyond road paving and our contractors have successfully completed tunnel paving, slope paving, curb and gutter sidewalk, barrier and grade preparation projects without string line.”

“It probably won’t be much longer until we reach critical mass with string less Machine control and it will become more mainstream,” says Wade Bowman, Written America Inc.

But there is a learning curve.

“Make no mistake about it, transitioning to 3D takes a lot of effort,” says Bowman.

“It is a new way to work and learning how it all works takes some time.

We have seen the largest learning curves with personnel who have been using string line for a long time. Those who are newer to slip forming and are more comfortable with computers typically pick It up more quickly.

It is actually easier than setting up a machine with string line.”

Bowman cautions against rushing into 3D.

“I would advise contractors to give themselves time to learn what 3D is ail about well before they need to complete the purchase of a machine and system,” he says.

“Also, make sure the right people are in place to operate the system and that there is buy-in at all levels of the organization.

Lastly, be certain the system you buy fits the way and where you work.”
