Chemistry Unit 8-8-2022


Chemistry Unit


Serum Cholesterol                 95     mg/dl         Up to 200 Desirable

Over 240 Higher Risk

HDL-Cholesterol                   28     mg/dL        Up to 40 High Risk

Over 60 Low Risk

LDL                                        27     mg/dL        Up To 100

Non-HDL-C                           67     mg/dL        up to 130 optimal

Serum Triglycerides              201 mg/dL          Up to 150 Normal

150 – 199  Borderline

200 – 499 High

Serum VLDL Cholesterol                         40     mg/dl         Up To 30

T.Cholesterol / HDL Cholesterol             3.39                     Less Than 4.44 LDL/HDL Cholesterol                              0.96                     Less Than 3.22


Comments : Non HDL-C is an estimation of thermogenic lipoproteins ( VLDL, VLDL remnants, IDL, LDL, Lpa) and according to recent guidelines is a better risk indicator for CVD