Daegu   Gosan Public Library by Synthesis Design

Daegu   Gosan Public Library by Synthesis Design

INTERNATIONAL NEWS\Daegu Gosan Public Library by Synthesis Design

Our proposal for the Daegu   Gosan Public Library challenges the conventional
understanding of the spatial and social experience of a public library as a series of
discrete reading rooms with defined thresholds and cluttered stacks. We propose an
intelligent, open, and integrated library experience which supersedes the media storage
methods of the past and changes the library space into a hybrid environment through
ubiquitous information resources, integrated furnishings and   active communal social
spaces. The architecture is designed to enable and embody the spirit of open-source
exchange and collective kknowledge through free-form geometries, open plans and
integrated amenities. We have minimized the thresholds between spaces, floors, and
functions to consider the library as an active/ c0ntinuous, and fluid field of social,
cultural, and intellectual discourse. Contrary to the convention of defining the building
program as a composition of platonic spaces with controlled adjacencies, we have
aPProached it as a varied and constant programmatic gradient which allows programs
and uses
to bleed into one another, thus facilitating
constant physical, visual, and
social exchange.
