Dar al handasah   shairand partner من اصل2 2

Dar al handasah   shairand partner من اصل2 2

NEWS\Dar al handasah shairand partner 2من اصل2

Furthermore, Dar Al- Handasah has carried out many significant projects
worldwide; such as UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles) in the
USA, in addition to a number of medical projects in the USA too.
Throughout its honorable history, Dar Al- Handasah’s most important
projects included ” Duhok Lake Residential & Tourism Master Plan” in
Iraq, Kurdistan. Duhok Lake, a visually stunning body of water in
Kurdistan, required a comprehensive strategy to promote tourism and
recreation. The other significant projects included “Water
Transfert   Mostaganem – Arzew , Oran”, when Algeria’s National Agency for
Dams and Transferts appointed Dar as a consultant for the Mostagnem –
Arzew Water Transfert Project, which serves 2.25 million people.
Moreover, the other important projects carried out by Dar Al- Handasah
included “National Programme for Small Dams – Lot 3”, which comprises
“Beni   Haroun   Transfert Project”; a water conveyance structure forming
part of the Beni   Haroun Water Conveyance master plan in Al- geria.
Dar Al- Handasah has also taken part in ” Benguela Rivers Regulation and
Control Project” in Angola. This project required protection works for three
main rivers in Angola’s Benguela province, namely Cavaco , Coporolo and
