Architectural designs\DRAWN BY DR

The contemporary 19th C architects were faced by new paradigm of
revolutionary structure, set up new social and artistic ideology shifting
beauty of basic forms. The new paradigm was realistic for shaping new
architecture technological analogy became the opining motto of the 20 th
century. This analogy gave international forms in architectural
development. Form follows function; straight lines and right angels, stream
lined forms. Absence of unnecessary decorations, purity becomes the
motive of geometric form with, neglect of the context. This mechanical
analogy became the motive of rational design.
Rationalism didn’t stop on the mechanical analogy but spread to the
biological one as well, being a part of rational thinking. Advance in biology,
no less than that of the mechanical; however it is the first that gave priority
to contextual factories. Nature becomes the source of inspiration for the
designer. It’s continually spread from part to part, part to whole to context.
It was reflected in functional, special, structural and formed one. Continuity
spread to color, texture & natural forms, flowers and trees.
In architecture it showed up in continuity of trees from interior to exterior
spaces continuous roofs & floors & flower plants. Slick forms. Where air
and water are the media to go through give the intention of moving
characteristic to nature.
