Egypt Set To Build First Nuclear Power Plant Completes RFP 3من اصل3

Egypt Set To Build First Nuclear Power Plant Completes RFP 3من اصل3

ARCHITECTURE\Egypt Set To Build First Nuclear Power Plant Completes RFP 3من اصل3

2012 Milliard Egyptian Pounds for Building Materials Exportation by 2035.
Dr. Waleed Jamal Uddin, Chairman of Building Materials Export Council, declared the
realization of the council for exportations of 34.989 Milliard Egyptian Pounds on
2012 to keep its position for the export councils
He said that the Council had %26 of the non-petroleum Egyptian exports total which
registered about 131 milliard Egyptian pounds in the past year.
“Numbers of the exports of the Council during the implementation of the exports
reduplication plan which began to be implemented on 2005 exceeded always the
purposed numbers with percentages between %15 and %20 comparing to what was
purposed” he added.
He indicated to the exports of building mate,   rials raising from 24.5 milliard of
Egyptian pounds on 2007 to 28 milliards of Egyptian pounds on 2010, then to 34
milliards of Egyptian pounds on 2011, and they increased on this actual year to be
%38 than the purposed number by 10 milliards of Egyptian pounds than the pur posed
He clarified that the Export Council prepared an integrated plan to increase the
exportations of the building materials sector which was based on removal of the
obstacles of some of the sectors following to the Council, specially the sector of
marble and granite which suffer from raising of its production costs due to the bad case
of the main roads which joins between the marble main sockets and industrialization
areas and exportation ports.