From Local TO GLOBAL من اصل6 2

From Local TO GLOBAL من اصل6 2

NEWS\From Local TO GLOBAL 2من اصل6

Her favored designs receiving significant media coverage was the Tahrir
square urban renewal project as well as Brieven Square a conceptual design
for pedestrian piazzas in Cairo. In 201 4 she was ranked 1 2th in the world
designer ranking of the number one ranking design competition in the
Because of her ranking and initiatives in 201 4 she was elected President of the
International Association of Designers (IAD) headquartered in como, Italy.
Her first project as IAD president and as part of her Building in New
initiative she founded and organized Egypt’s first event honoring Egyptian
designers in all fields of design. The event was staged at the Manial Palace
on June 14th 2014 in-collaboration between IAD and the Ministry of Tourism.
In the event 14 prominent Egyptian designers were nominated by IAD Board
to receive the prestige’s IAD honoree award.
the intellectual society in Egypt, of this glamorous event and being the first
forum in Egypt that highlights, honors and shed international spotlight on
creators and designers in Egypt ,the Design Biennale has been approved by
the Egyptian government to be a yearly ritual .In the plan of next year’s
Biennale, a committee of elite professionals and academic figures will
create a jury to elect the names nominated for honoring, as well as a new
category will be introduced in the honoring list and that was Dalia Sadany
main objective, which is the “Promising young designers’. In her belief that
honoring and highlighting young , designers is one of her main goals in this
Dalia is planning several events and projects as well in the near future to
cover various branches of design and creativity from art to architecture,