Architectural designs\GOOGLE CAMPUS IN DUBLIN

In June 2013, Google Ireland opened the doors to its
thriving new campus: Four buildings located in the heart of Dublin’s
historic docklands district. With over 47000 m2 of unique office space, the
Campus represents the Google EU Head- quarters and serves as the centre
for sales and finances in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA).
Project Duration & Location : Google Barrow Street Dublin 4 Ireland
Floor Area: 47000 m2 Production/ Realization Technology:
The tallest of the four Campus buildings is the newly constructed 14-storey
building Google Docks which is also the tallest commercial building in
Dublin. Two other buildings- Gasworks House and Gordon House- have
been home for Google already and were completely refitted. The fourth
building, One Grand Canal- fondly referred to as ‘1GC’ – was newly fitted
out. A bridge is planned to be built to connect Google Docks, Gasworks
House and Gordon House, encouraging an easy flow between buildings and
For the Master plan the architects had to find a smart solution for the nearly
impossible- to create a stimulating and interactive Campus within a bustling
environment in the midst of the inner city. Apart from innovative office
spaces, the Master plan also required the successful organisation of a
multitude of additional functions, such as 5 restaurants, 42 micro kitchens
and communication hubs, game rooms, fitness center, pool, wellness areas,
conference, learning and development centre, tech stops, over 400
informal and formal meeting rooms, phone booths, etc.
In order to create a working atmosphere that is a true testament to Google’s
unique culture and values, the architects have conducted many in- depth
researches before starting with their outstanding design.