Hassan Abouseda architects

Hassan Abouseda architects

Decorations\Hassan Abouseda architects

After 30 years in the United States, Hassan Abouseda   rnoved back to
Egypt in 2009 and established Hassan Abouseda Architects, HAA. Since
then, HAA has grown into one of Egypt’s leading design studios; offering
architecture, interior and furniture design. HAA’s design aesthetic is a cross
between memory and desire; capitalizing on the interplay between history
and innovation. HAA’s primary focus is their client’s dreams and goals.
They devote their creativity and innovative thinking to arrive at design
solutions that delight and inspire. While they pride themselves in thinking
but side the box” they are also very respectful of the physical and social
context in which their buildings are to exist. Since their work encompasses
everything from architecture to furniture, they believe that excellence in
design must be present all the way, from the biggest of concepts to the
smallest of details.
HAA has worked with some of Egypt s leading development companies
such as Orascom HD, SODIC, Somabay and El Ismaeleya For Real Estate
Investments. Their projects range from a country club on B acres for
SODIC, to luxury private villas and apartments, all the way to small outlets
for a fast food chain.
