I wrote those words in March, 2011 about a future political capital to be the Egyptian

I wrote those words in March, 2011 about a future political capital to be the Egyptian

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dream which is considered a collaborative model for every Egyptian citizen who has
vision, opinion and hope in the scientific and aprlied researches and studies. I hope this
city will fulfill needs of a stage that can be a historical chance to change Egypt for
better and to make a modern Egyptian citizen who will become the Noah’s Ark to rescue
Egypt from the flood of challenges. Building Egypt’s sustainable Future civilization
requests first to prepare “builders” who can set up a civilization.
In March 2014 and during Egypt Economic Development Conference (EEDC), the
planning of the proposed administrative capital city was announced. This was followed
by a storm of questions about the place, time and people who will implement this huge
project. In addition, a preset imported plan for the city had been presented during the
conference. Some can find this preset plan astonishing, while many others who have
visions- find it irresponsible as this plan neglects the values of dialogue, sustainability,
environmental effect and young people roles.
The proposed city has reasons to be a service city in a period ranging between 10 to 30
years. Linking this city with New Cairo City,
