In facts, This kind of experiment approved that, science and art could be cooperate

In facts, This kind of experiment approved that, science and art could be cooperate


together to make an unbelievable creative idea.
The final result of the project was a full performance, a combination between the
Architecture, Fashion Design, Music, and Contemporary Dancing, each outfit took 3
minutes for the show expressing it’s inspiration by the movements, lighting, music,
everything I the Idea started with Mahmoud   Abdrabboh in may.2014, after a big meeting
with Mohamed Khafagy , and Ghadir   Khaled , Radwa   Chaheen , Wesal   Mansour , etc.
taking time to be arranged and complete all the missing parts of the criteria.
gathering a lot of sponsors for hair, and makeup, the choreography, Photography, the
talented participants who created the amazing outfits, and Models, who all worked for
8 months to do this combination.
Fashion Clash is not a once experiment, it transformed to an annually project. so by
those Days Fashion Clash Season 2 started as a Workshop Again, to gather all talented
designers, architects, and everyone who is talented and interested in this field.
the call is opened for everyone without any conditions, only talent.
the call began and the workshop will start next July till December to do the final
Fashion Show.