Investment Zones

investment zones
Investment Zones


  • Investment Zones were created under Law no. 19 of 2007. which introduced a new investment scheme never included before in the Investment Guarantees and Incentives Law. which is the Investment Zones system. The new lav/ allowed the establishment of investment zones as per a Pnme Minister decree to be specialized in whatever investment domain stipulated by the law, and the provisions of articles number 30, 31.38. 41, 42.46 which are mentioned in the investment law are applied on these zones.
  • The Prime Ministers Decree No. 1675 of 2007 was issued to regulate work at investment zones.


  • Establishing integrated clusters in all fields.
  • Mandating the private sector to develop, manage and promote these zones,
  • Widening the scope of economic and social development across the country with the best employment of the nation’s competitrve advantages.
  • Investment Zones’ activities are not limited to industrial activity but also include other activities as (Education & Scientific research – SME -Commercial Services – Tourism).


  • Business homogeneousness in the single zone, offering competitive costs for operation and marketing thanks to industrial integration,
  • Unique administration system that facilitate the application of all management procedures through dealing with one single regulator,
  • No restrictions over projects’ capital and legal form,
  • Streamlined customs system for smoother importation and exportation for the projects at the zone.
  • Availability of a package of logistic services for projects,
  • Goods manufactured within investment zones enjoy the Egyptian origin feature as regards to bilateral agreements with Arab and African countries (COMESA – European Association),
  • Projects established in the investment zones enjoy the incentives that are mentioned in the investment law.
  • Projects established in the investment zones have the right to deal with the local market.

Establishment Procedures :

  • The entity willing to establish a zone fills in and submits an application form attached with other required documents