Logistics and Transportation

logistics and transportation

Logistics and Transportation

The transportation sector is the main pillar of economic growth, as transportation networks are considered the arteries which economic and social activities flow through, where all sectors of the national economy depend on the services and facilities of this sector to link both production and consumption markets together, besides having the access to the needs of raw materials and services and operating.

Egypt’s unique geographic location combined with an expanding infrastructure base is enhancing the country’s position as a ke y global logistics hub for companies looking to do business in, or trade between, Europe, Asia and Africa.

  • Renewable Energy:

With the expected depletion of natural gas reserves within the next 57 years, Egypt is an investor’s dream when it comes to sustainable energy resources. Egypt possesses an abundance of land, sunny weather and high wind speeds, making it a prime resource for three renewable energy sources: wind, solar and biomass. Rec ent poli ti cal changes have not affect d Egypt ’ s long term commitment to renewable energies. The promotion of renewable energies became a political aim that is shared across the political spectrum.Although renewable energy is relatively a new market in Egypt

  • Tourism :

Egypt’s tourism industry is among the most diverse and vibrant in the world. Beyond t he pristine beaches and year-round suns hine, Egypt ’ s long and varied history, rich cultural heritage and unique geographic features make it a popular destination for adventure, eco, sailing, diving, health and cultural tourism — and for religious tourism to sites of importance to Christians and Muslims alike.

Although well-served by five-star properties, there is considerable room for investment in the three- and four-star hospitality segments. Other highly promising sectors include niche experiences as residential tourism
