Ismailia Public free Zone

ismailia public free zone
Ismailia Public free Zone
  • Situated at Cairo/Pert Said Desert Road, (an area of 775 feddans (325000 m2). Its first phase is fully equipped with infrastructure facilities. (An area of 100 feddans (420000 m2).
  • It’s 30 km away from Mubarak’s El-Salam Bridge crosses over Suez Canal to the continent of Asia, it is located near the ports (85km from Port Said port, and Suez Port, 120 km from Cairo Airport and 125 km from □amietta A highway network links the area to all governorates).
  • The Free Zone is located near the first and second industrial parks, and near the Technology Valley.
  • It is eguipped with basic infrastructure such as: (roads, water and sewage networks, electricity and telecommunications. It has an integrated customs unit, a port security unit).
  • Natural gas may be delivered to the projects upon the owner’s request.