Architectural designs\LANDSCAPE INTEGRATION

The integration of the building within the highly precious existing landscape was one of
the major concerns of the project. Thus, the existing topography is fully respected and
the interventions to it are minimal.
The positioning of the building was done carefully and according to the great re spect to
the existing trees and only few of them are to be relocated in case of construction. As
the connection between the Joenniemi Manor and the new build ing is established at
their first floor levels, the museum extension footprint doesn’t disturb the pedestrian
path in the north- south axis connecting between the central square and the lake. The
system of pedestrian paths is extended to the eastern side of the site where the path
finishes at the water border. The bridge that once connected the island with the
mainland is to be reconstructed and later integrated in the patchwork of pedestrian
routes enabling visitors to enjoy unrestricted movement through the site.
The building is rational and efficient in many ways. It is firstly the compact form of the
building that makes its ecological footprint highly efficient. In that sense, the mass
compactness guarantees an optimal relationship between external surfaces and mass,
while the very careful use of glazing (apart from foyer), ensures effective thermal
comfort and limited dispersion.