Launch of the keeper, Artist book by Shruq   Harb

Launch of the keeper, Artist book by Shruq   Harb

LOCAL NES\Launch of the keeper

The keeper, a limited edition artist book tells the story of an encounter with Mustafa, a
young street vendor in downtown Ramallah who sells images culled from the Internet to
the public. Mustafa’s family has always worked in the photo business, bringing images
from China, Lebanon and Syria into Palestine. Going through the images left over from
the past six years, the book reflects back at moments in contemporary Palestinian
popular and political history.   At the occasion of the launch Shuruq presents a witty and
thought-provoking lecture performance, which narrates the process that lead her to
Mustafa. She draws conclusions about the dying photography studio print industry and
laments the possible loss of historical memory amid growing attempts for stricter
copyright laws that would change the way images and information circulate the Internet.