My first ideas are based on that concept 2من اصل4

My first ideas are based on that concept 2من اصل4

NEWS\My first ideas are based on that concept 2من اصل4

transports us to distant moments and spaces than those we are in the
present music architecture are in the willy that creation to which
man is capable of attaining, do to reach the magnificence of taking its users
to feel in the summit of creation? At this point we could go back to
Libeskind’s comment at the introduction of this paper when he says to play
a real melody you have to actually hit the right series of keys in the right
moment. Architecture might be like that as well, then. To recall the
Sublime, architecture needs to aim to that “perfect” component that Nature
easily expresses, the one that brings every piece together to work in
harmony, creating a perfect system, and an entity that awes and amazes the
specta tor. “It is that nature never deviates in its forward march, and
everything in nature is striving towards the goal of   mere perception of an
object that cannot hurt observer.
Weakest Feeling of Sublime
?Light reflected off stones.
?Weaker Feeling of Sublime
Endless desert with no movement.
?Sublime -Turbulent Nature. (Pleasure from perceiving objects that
threaten to hurt or destroy observer).
?Full Feeling of Sublime
?Overpowering turbulent Nature.
?Fullest Feeling of Sublime – Immensity of Universe’s extent or duration.
To play an instrument, to read music, to perform music, requires a
discipline. Music, as a performing art, transports us to distant moments and
spaces than those we are in the present music + architecture Music and
architecture are similar in the way that they are the only arts that surround
you all through different sensations, a piece of architecture makes you
experience a series of emotions; it puts you in a journey.