My first ideas are based on that concept   3من اصل4

My first ideas are based on that concept   3من اصل4

NEWS\My first ideas are based on that concept  3من اصل4

“Architecture is frozen music.
Architecture could be frozen music since architecture generates a journey in
time, the sublime in architecture “Art is poetry: the emotion of the senses,
the joy of the mind as it measures and appreciates, which shows us, at
certain heights, the summit of the no to rename magnificence of taking Its
users to fed In the summit of creation? At this point we could go back to
Libeskind’s comment at the introduction of this paper when he says to play
a real melody you have to actually hit the right series of keys in the right
moment. Architecture might be like that as well, then. To recall the
Sublime, architecture needs to aim to that “perfect” component that Nature
easily expresses, the one that brings every piece together to work in
harmony, creating a perfect system, an entity that awes and amazes the
specta tor.
“It is that nature never deviates in its forward march, and everything in
nature is striving towards the goal of perfection”… “and all things in all
respects have a perfect relationship, perfect analogy and harmony”.5 Says
Etienne-Louis Boulee.
For a piece of architecture to reach sublimity, it has to be able to touch the
user’s soul. It has to make you think of the past, designing with the music
With my following model the goal was to understand how to distribute the
program on the site. How was the site going to be experienced from a
visitor’s point of view. I decided 4th Street’s prolon gation into the site was
going to appear as the main corridor from where visitors and musicians
came into the site and meet to the approach the entrance indoor foyer.