New projects under construction

New projects under construction:

Decorations\New projects under construction

Participation in New Suez Canal Development area projects where first
phase of a naval quay was completed in the East of Port Said Port which
has a distinguished location east of the Northern entrance of the Suez
Canal, at the junction of three continents, and at the cross road of the most
important world sea trade route between the East and the west, and the
second phase with a value of 800 million Egyptian Pounds was awarded to
the company.
Execution office factories in the industrial area, East of
Port Said Port.
– Infrastructure and road work in Cairo New Administrative Capitals.
– El Khatatba Bridge along the Regional Ring Road in the sum of Egyptian
Pounds 350 million.
– Interchange bridge between Belbis Road and Ismailia
– Cairo Highway in the sum of 450 million Egyptian Pounds.