OMA’s Rem Koolhaas & David Gianotten , selected to Design

OMA’s Rem Koolhaas & David Gianotten , selected to Design


MPavilion 2017
The Naomi Milgrom Foundation has selected Rem Koolhaas and David
Gianotten of OMA for the design of Melbourne’s 2017 MPavilion.
The announcement comes after this weekend’s closing of the 2016
MPavilion , designed by Biioy Jain of Studio Mumbai, which welcomed
more than 94,000 visitors to over 287 free events in its 139 day run. Now
in its 4th year, the MPavilion program invites architects who have yet to
completed a project in Australia to design and construct their first structure
in the country.
“Rem Koolhaas is one of the world’s most provocative and influential
architects, commented Naomi Milgrom AO, Chair of the Naomi Milgrom
Foundation who commissioned OMA to design MPavilion 2017. “His
contribution to the cultural landscape as an urban thinker together with
OMA’s multi-disciplinary approach to architecture reflects MPavilion’s
desire to inspire debate about the role of designs in building equitable and
creative cities.”