Performance art meets inflated sculpture by victorine   miiller

Performance art meets inflated sculpture by victorine   miiller

INTERNATIONAL NEWS\Performance art meets inflated sculpture by victorine miiller

Swiss artist victorine   miiller has combined the disciplines of performance, sculpture,
painting and sound for the last fourteen years – with an upcoming exhibition at the zone
contemporaine   oliver  fahrni in Bern, Switzerland entitled ‘wild at heart’ showing her
current work of a PVC squid entitled ‘balloon stratosph6rique’. Miller’s work can be
considered palpably immersive experiences to her audience – each artwork
characterized by the artist herself incased in a seemingly weightless PVC structure,
often depicting that of an animal. her presentations are very much oriented around a
spiritual or emotional dynamism where her presence inside the air-filled creature
often   emits a tangible aura – breathing animistic energy into the beast she inhabits. This
unusual medium fosters a thorough and almost halcyon contemplation for her viewers,
each piece created to impart abstract ideas and somewhat invisible forces. one example
of her compositions is ‘timeline’, a performance in lucerne from 2005, which gives
clear definition for most of her work. The piece is best described lay the deployment
and occupancy of a monolithic transparent elephant, illuminated by natural and powered
light. With the animal in the upright position for the beginning of the showing – mijller
sitting calmly cross-legged in its bowels.