SPARK architecture 3من اصل6

SPARK architecture 3من اصل6

NEWS\SPARK architecture  3من اصل6

The northern and southern zones of the development are linked by
pedestrian crossings as well as an underground retail passage, allowing for
an interwoven ensemble of mixed-use functions that strive to set a new
standard in the region.
A public car park below the landscape contributes provides a “park and
ride” facility, supporting the existing subway infrastructure.
Construction of the four-storey sales gallery at the northern end of the site
has been completed. This building was conceived as a combination of two
elements: a circular structure from which a wedge has been cut, and a
pragmatic cantilevered office box. Their combination generates spatial
complexity that will be echoed across the development and encourage a
sense of discovery.
Overall, the design presents a counter point to the dense modes of
development that characterize central Beijing. It represents a continuation
of SPARK’s efforts to focus on the potential of architecture to contribute
positively to the experience of the city.
SPARK is an award-winning international design studio that creates
distinctive buildings for our clients and great places for people. We focus on
architecture’s potential to contribute positively to the experience of the city
while addressing the pragmatic issues that govern each project. We work
with the bold yet common-sense vision of enlarging the spaces of the city
into our buildings, and of unfolding our buildings into the city – creating
opportunities for layered experiences and engaging places.
Our celebrated designs emerge from a detailed analysis of context, brief,
and typology. SPARK has a multinational team numbering over 100. We
work synergistically,   fostering our numerous perspectives on culture and
varied professional experience to achieve rich, integrated design solutions
that consider the impact on all project stakeholders. From our four offices –