Sphinx Glass 1من اصل6

Sphinx Glass 1من اصل6

OUR NEWS\Sphinx Glass 1من اصل6

Leading Flat Glass Production in Egypt and Middle East
In our coverage of Windoorex exhibition and its accompanying conference,
which was held in Cairo at the end of February, it was necessary to meet major
Egyptian glass producer companies, so it was important to meet the
representatives of Sphinx Glass Company as one of the most important
companies in this field in order to give an overall overview about the glass
industry in Egypt and recognize the technological, Industrial and human
capacities owned by Sphinx Glass, which made it a pioneer of this industry in
Egypt and Middle East.
We met Mr. Mohammad Khattab, Chairman of Sphinx Glass, 50 this meeting was
rich and clarifying the company potential and its Industrial capabilities, as well as
the concerns of Egyptian manufacturers and exporters problems.
* Sphinx Glass Company is considered as one of relatively modern companies
that specialized in glass industry in Egypt companies, however it occupies a
growing area in the Egyptian market that we hope to make a quick look at the
starting point of the company, production size, as well as increasing and
diversity of production since the start of production in 2010 until now.
Sphinx Glass Company started in 2010 and the company plant is located in Sadat
City, on 220,000 square meters. In this period, there was only one glass plant in
Egypt, and it was not enough to meet the demand with no more than 30%,even
though this plant began in year 2000. When Sphinx Glass began in production, it
was necessary to start with high-productivity production line to get economic
feasibility, it had 200,000 tons per year production capacity, where part of It was
consumed inside Egypt and the other part was directed to export,
