Taoist Architecture 2من اصل2

Taoist Architecture 2من اصل2

ACHTITECURE AND RELIGION\Taoist Architecture 2من اصل2

The word temple in English means: a building dedicated to religious
ceremonies or worship. So, it included all religious buildings which
consisted of Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Islam and other religions
into Chinese Temples to write this article.
Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism are three main religions in China.
Although they have never acquired such important roles to be considered to
dominate the political system in China’s history as Christianity or Islam has
done to some western countries. However, they do have deep influence on
the development of China’s politics, philosophy, art throughout China. The
word temple in English means: a building dedicated to reli gious ceremonies
or worship. So, it included all religious buildings which consisted of
Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Islam and other religions into Chinese
Temples to write this article.
the development of China’s politics, philosophy, art and social cultures.
Chinese temples, range in size from back-alley Taoist hut to magnificent
Tibetan Buddhist Drepung Monas tery, the largest and richest monastery,
which covers an area of over 200 thousand square meters.
