The energy concept

The energy concept

ARCHITECTURE\The energy concept

Instead of fans, the foyer uses the natural thermal buoyancy .in the large
vertical space for ventilation. Water – filled hypocaust pipes in the concrete
floor slab are used for cooling in summer and heating in winter.
The concrete walls around the concert hall act as an additional storage
capacity for thermal energy. The fjord is also used for cost – free cooling.
The piping and air vents are equipped with highly efficient rotating heat
exchangers. Very efficient ventilation systems with low air velocities are
attached under the seats in the concert hall.
Air is extracted through a ceiling grid above the lighting system so that any
heat produced does not cause arise in the temperature in the room.
The building is equipped with a building management program that controls
the equipment in the building and ensures that no system is active when
there is no need for it. In this way, energy consumption is minimized.