The Service of Brad Art Museum 1من اصل2

The Service of Brad Art Museum 1من اصل2

Integration with neighborhood\The Service of Brad Art Museum 1من اصل2

The museum will serve as both an educational resource for the campus community and
a cultural hub for the central Michigan region. The Broads’ gift, of which $21.5
million was designated for design and construction and $5.5 million for acquisitions,
exhibitions and operations. MSU’s Broad Art Museum is envisioned as a center for
questioning and understanding the modern world.
Through engagement with artists and artwork from around the globe. The museum will
be to present contemporary works within a historical context through access to a
study collection of more than 7,500 objects, ranging from the Greek and Roman
periods to modern art. The museum will serve as an academic resource and a center for
student and public engagement, enjoyment and multidisciplinary learning.
Seventy percent of the space will be devoted to art display, including areas for special
exhibitions, modern and contemporary art, new media, photography and works on paper.
The facility will also include an education wing, a works on paper study center, shop and
cafe. Adjacent to the museum will be an expansive outdoor sculpture garden and a large
pedestrian plaza. The Broad Art Museum will serve as a gateway between the university
and the East Lansing community.
في عام 2007، فازت زها حديد بمسابقة التصميم الدولية لمتحف الفن المطلق في حرم جامعة ولاية ميتشيجان ،
حيث تبرع الخريجان إيلي برود وزوجته إيدث، بمبنى مساحته أربعة آلاف متر مربع، والذي سوف يوفر مساحات
واسعة للمنشآت الفنية الكبيرة والمعارض المخصصة ل”الثقافة والأفكار المعاصرة من خلال الفن”. ونلاحظ في هذه
التصميمات، أنها تأخذ في الاعتبار التضاريس المحيطة حيث يتم السعي من أجل التوسع وتأكيداً على المحيط القائم
والاتصالات البصرية. وقد ظهر المبنى في سلسلة من الطيات المتصلة والتي تخلق خطوط طولية الشكل والتي غير
تحركات الزوار خلال المبنى،