This dilemma is now a global issue, from established western democracies to

This dilemma is now a global issue, from established western democracies to


third world countries still struggling to get rid of their dictatorships, the exact same
issue but with different means, tools and practices. The Western electorate,
heading to the ballot boxes and votes with pride to practice his constitutional right
is not much better off than his counterpart in a third world country whose vote is
rigged. The first was manipulated through the media giving the illusion of making
a conscience decision, while politicians spared the second the trouble of thinking
and decided for him how to vote. One softly and professionally deceived, the
other crushed with violence and brutality, but the outcome is the same!
Such Plutonomy allowed financial tycoons to modulate capitalism, after the
elimination of communism and the impact of the Cold War, and transform it into
neo-liberalism. The system that was guaranteeing equal opportunities for
everyone, without a ceiling to their ambitions, built a roof that no one can
penetrate without the approval of the «Masters”. Such exceptions are not allowed
haphazardly, but according to specific criteria for particular goals, “stars” are
lavishly created in every field to act as carrots hanging in front of everyone’s eyes
to follow throughout their lives until they reach their graves. A light they will
probably never reach at the end of a dark tunnel of debt. The same debt that was
facilitated for them to consume goods advertised in the media owned by the