UBC Faculity by Suacier & perrote

UBC Faculity by Suacier & perrote


British Columbia, Canada
The faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Centre for Drug research and
Development is sited on the corner of Westbrook Mall and Agronomy road, in the
Heart of UBC’s campus. The site consists of 20.240 square meter parcel of land that is
located at an important university entry point. With this in mind the building has been
designed to act as a gate way to the southeast edge of the campus, engaging the
community with a ground floor that will be open, transparent, inviting, and one that will
showcase the public function. Nearby developments include University Endowment
Lands/UBS residential. The design reflects UBC’s world-class pharmaceutical science
researchers, facility, and the University’s status as an internationally recognized
institution in scientific endeavors.
