What about the development plan of Sheikh Zayed ‘s main roads

What about the development plan of Sheikh Zayed City’s main roads

DESIGN IDEAS\What about the development plan of Sheikh Zayed City

and corridors?
We have a plan to develop the main roads and corridors, including the
linking between 26tn of July Corridor and Cairo Alex desert road to be the
artery of transport for Sheikh Zayed citizens from their city to Cairo-Alex
desert road directly. We also have a plan to develop the central corridor
inside Sheikh Zayed , which is a circle that will serve the 17 districts of the
city. This central corridor is an example of the European roads in well-
known Arab and international cities. Moreover, we have a plan to develop
a ring road of the city to serve six of its entrances, including two on 26th of
July Corridor and four on Dahshur road
