When it comes to the National Planning for a country, Global Sectorial Plans can

When it comes to the National Planning for a country, Global Sectorial Plans can


never be addressed separately as each sector is organically related to the others.
Economy planning can never be prepared in isolation from social planning, and both of
them should be in accordance with physical planning and so on. This implicates that
countries should always adopt “Comprehensive National Planning” that presents the
global framework compiling together Global Sectorial Plans in harmony and
integration, targeting a long term that would cover a period starting from 50 years to a
whole century. In such context, long term plans are subdivided into periods of medium
term plans (20 to 25 years) then into short term plans (5 years) to be transformed into
Action Plans for specific task. The amount of detailing plans present is always relevant
to the shortness of their targeted periods, as details should be formulated in accordance
to implementation experience and deviation in surrounding circumstances.
Such Comprehensive National Plan should be dynamic enough to answer the
considerations relevant to its sectorial and lower planning levels and respond
to   practice and implementation necessities. Comprehensive National Plan is also
a  continuous process of development, update and extension, as it is unrealistic to   wait
until its targeted date to prepare its successor. Every country should always   possess
plans to deal with its long term future and act as a compass leading to its targets in
different sectors and fields. Such a concept should also be adopted on various sectors
and lower planning levels, according to their hierarchy,   boundaries and time frames.
Therefore, Comprehensive National Planning is a very complex process that gets more
complicated with time and what it introduces in overlapping integration and diversity.
