Why is Saint-Gobain keen to emphasize new concepts in Egypt such as sustainability,

Why is Saint-Gobain keen to emphasize new concepts in Egypt such as sustainability,


green architecture and environmental preservation?
We are trying to develop the idea of sustainable development and green buildings in the
Egyptian market. It is important to use local raw materials because it is recyclable,
specially the glass product. The architectural facades help to provide heat insulation
because it has a strong effect in the air conditions’ loads and energy saving. Here we
should talk about the heat insulation through the sun reflection on the glass, so we must
have a full awareness of the energy rationalization concept where Saint-Gobain is
expert at, that clearly reveals on our production according to the international standards
as a commitment from us towards our markets,
this means sustainability and resource conservation, or what is known as green
As a consuming society in Egypt, we know glass as a product, but “facade engineering”
term has newly begun to appear. Does Saint-Gobain support the consultants in this
scientific part, as the glass becomes an essential component of the facade?
“Facade Engineering” is a major specialization in the engineering field and it includes
design areas, installation techniques and raw materials. Therefore, we are in contact
with consultants in Egypt because glass is an important part of the building design. We
have the experience and competence in this field so we start from the design, choose
the relevant products passing by the implementation phase until delivering the project,
so we always contact all the consultants and real estate representatives in Egypt.
