YOUR KITCHEN   من اصل4 3

YOUR KITCHEN   من اصل4 3


where conversations or dining are the main activities. In that case it is
considered task lighting.
Can lights: it provides excellent general lighting for the whole kitchen. It
consists of housing installed within the ceiling, a lamp, and a small bit of
trim to cover the hardware. If you want your lighting to be unobtrusive
rather than decorative, this is the way to go.
Moving to the second type of lighting, makes me consider closely the main
activities in a kitchen, where the operational spaces are the most important.
Therefore, illuminating the operational top is essential. Over the years,
kitchen manufacturers are investing heavily to add more varieties to make
sure you can use your kitchen efficiently.
The cabinet fixtures which come in the form of slender strips, mini track
systems and small recessed or surface-mounted discs, also called pucks.
Installed below wall cabinets, they supply task lighting by illuminating the
counters and work surfaces without shadows.
The recess cladding that is placed in between the lower and upper units is
the contemporary way to go about illuminating your work surface.
Manufacturers compete in providing these claddings in different motifs and
with different color shades and light intensity controls.
While the third type of illumination plays a big role in the overall feel and
look of the kitchen, it is used merely to do this job. In contemporary
kitchens, this type of lighting, however, is extremely important and is
always a priority in my design process.
Decorative lighting can be inserted into the kitchen by adding in-direct lights
behind wall hung cabinetry, these lights are illuminating areas which are not
usable yet extends the visual space and adds this ambient feeling to the