YOUR KITCHEN   1من   اصل4

YOUR KITCHEN   1من   اصل4


Kitchens & Co.
Ina space where you cut, mix, grate and deal with heat, steam, electricity,
and .   sometimes fire, having the right kitchen. lighting is key. Proper
selection of lighting can make your space feel warm welcoming and help
redefine your style. When i think of illuminating a kitchen, I always
consider three types of lighting; Main Lighting,
Which is responsible for illuminating the whole space mainly for making
things just visible and allows you to see and to move about the kitchen.
Depending on the activities being done at the kitchen, comes the second
type of lighting, what we call Task lighting. The third type, the decorative
lighting is what could dramatically change the look of the kitchen, and
usually is merely for aesthetic purposes. Below I introduce you to my three
types of lighting and give you my recipe of making a kitchen, functional,
comfortable to use, and pleasant to see.
As for main kitchen lighting and whether you are fortunate to have a large
kitchen space that has plenty of options for lighting, or your kitchen seems
too dark to feel comfortable, you may want to consider letting in some
natural light it can come from an adjacent window, overhead skylight, or
even from adjacent rooms that are open to the kitchen. It helps you see
your food and preparation better and it makes you feel wonderful as you
cook in your is what could dramatically change the look of the
kitchen, and usually is merely for aesthetic purposes. Below I introduce you
to my three types of lighting and give you my recipe of making a kitchen,
functional, comfortable to use, and pleasant to see. For many homes,
especially the old ones,