It generates architectural forms undulating calmly on the landscape creating a distinct

It generates architectural forms undulating calmly on the landscape creating a distinct


series of expressions on the site, while the usual Cairene urban skyline around it
remains busy and uneven. It thus becomes very inviting as a promise of quiet and
mystery, and it’s very unusual form contributes to its iconic character despite its
intentionally unobtrusive character. There is a proposal for a partial oasis in the middle
of the building- which can be just as dramatic at night as during the day.
The Project has a very simple plan of rows of spaces and corridors interestingly and
directly solved, and allows a very straightforward scheme for phasing. The project
warrants the second prize for its unique approach to building in a direct reference to the
characteristic landscape of dunes. Third Prize Project Number 013-BA0816:
This project showed a very high level of professional and artistic skill. It provides a
series of dynamic and dramatic spaces that are fluid in character, It integrated landscape
ideas persuasively.
The site is considered as a place for collaboration, enjoyment and learning. The design
of the building is flexible in terms of use as well as phasing. The distinct “organic”
forms of the complex are in contrast to the surrounding sites and buildings and suggest
a number of interesting spatial possibilities inspired by the Sciences.
The project was logically phased, and exuded richness and complexity through subtle
deployment of courtyards, water, green elements, and space shaping even the covered
parking. Fourth Prize: Project Number 005-GS9810:
A well worked out scheme which produces a straightforward project that fulfills the
criteria of the brief. The clear geometry based on a simple “nine square” scheme
enables the easy phasing of the project.