This project was the one that best responded to the challenges of the brief. The design

This project was the one that best responded to the challenges of the brief. The design


is subtle but rich. It involves various levels of planning. It displays a blending of aspects
of several of the “types” that were so visible: the circle, the striation, the berm (or
dune), the legible apparatus of sustainable performance, the complex of courtyards, the
oasis, etc. But the overall impact is one of a unified composition of great elegance and
The project feels very much of its place and has the potential to be quite beautiful and
to produce a rich series of working, display, and learning environments. The basic
scheme and concept of the architectural design (the parti) was impressive, the
organization sound, the phasing logical, the environmental performance promising, and
the image very strong but without needless grandiosity.
Though organized in a circular form, the project can be accomplished in three stages,
with the staging starting from the central section and growing as wings. Thus it provides
a design solution to the phasing problem which the jury considered a rational and
workable idea.
The Project enjoys a multitude of umbrella-like circular ca of various sizes, supported
by single columns, providing a
Symbolic “column-scape” and an upper terrace elegantly shadowed b artificial clouds.
They also provide opportunities for water harvesting and solar energy collection
Second Prize Project Number 007-NP1128:
The Project very sensitively refers to the desert landscape and sand dune. It offers a
multitude of expressions and melds into the natural landscape and appears quite modest
despite its size.