LEGO HOUSE 2من اصل2

LEGO HOUSE 2من اصل2


Above the square, a cluster of galleries overlap to create a continuous sequence of
exhibitions. Each gallery is color-coded in LEGO’s primary colors so way finding
through the exhibitions becomes a journey through the color spectrum.
The first and second floors include four play zones arranged by color and programmed
with activities that represent a certain aspect of a child’s learning: red is creative, blue is
cognitive, green is social, and yellow is emotional. Guests of all ages can have an
immersive and interactive experience, express their imagination, and not least be
challenged by meeting other builders from all over the world.
The top of the building is crowned by the Mas terpiece Gallery, a collection of LEGO
fans’ beloved creations that pay tribute to the LEGO community.
The Masterpiece Gallery is made of the iconic 2×4 LEGO brick and showcases art
beneath eight circular skylights that resemble the studs of the brick. Like the golden
ratio, the proportions of the brick are nested in the geometries of everything man-made
in the build ing, from the glazed ceramic tiles in the steps and walls to the overall 21
block scheme.
Atop the Masterpiece Gallery, citizens and visitors can get a 360° panoramic view of
the city. Some of the rooftops can be accessed via pixelated public staircases that
double as informal auditoria for people watching or seating for performances.
The History Collection at the lower level is where visi tors can experience an archival
immersion into the LEGO company and brand’s story. The Vault – located underneath
LEGO Square – is where children and AFoLs (Adult Fans of LEGO) can witness the
first edi tion of almost every LEGO set ever manufactured, including the new 774-
piece, 197-step kit replicating the stacked-block formation of the LEGO House.