National project for industrial complexes specialized in small and medium industries

national project for industrial complexes specialized in small and medium industries
National project for industrial complexes specialized in small and medium industries

National Project foe industrial complexes specialized in small and medium industries is part of an integrated strategy adopted by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, represented in the General Authority for Industrial Development for the establishment of complexes at the level of the Republic with the highest international levels of technology with the aid of the specialized expertise houses in every industry to create a favorable environment for industrial investment to this vital sector where the Ministry of Trade and Industry bets on small and medium industries sector for its ability to provide the many job opportunities for the youth.

The Authority takes the responsibility of supervising the industrial park management, as well as the operation and completion of the elements of its basic structure, and Mr. MounirFakhri Abdel Nour / Minister of Trade and Industry, had put the foundation stone of the project on the fourth of August 2013.

And the first steps have already been taken in implementing that strategy by identifying the industrial complexes and the unused sheds for a reason or another in different governorates to insert these complexes and buildings to the work and production system.

The industrial investment map compiled by the Industrial Development Authority, will take the main role in planning the establishment of these complexes in the republic.